The “Selection” Menu
The “Selection” Menu offers features and functions to affect your current selection of objects and object components (vertices etc).
The following items are available in the menu.
Selecting All, the Inverse, the Parent, Group, or Child
Select all objects in scene, or – in component mode – select all components on the currently selected object.
Invert Selection:
Invert the current selection.
Select Parent
Select the group or next higher transform node of the currently selected object.
Select Child
Select the first child or next lower transform node of the currently selected object or group.
Shrinking and Growing the Selection
Grow Selection
Grow the selection to include the neighboring objects or components.
Shrink Selection
Shrink the current selection to exclude those components on the outer border of the current selection.
Convert Selection:
This item holds a sub-menu with items to convert the selection to different component types.
The following items are available in the sub-menu:
…to vertices
Select the vertices of the currently selected faces or edges.
…to edges
Select the edges connected to the currently selected vertices faces or vertices.
…to faces
Select the faces connected to the currently selected edges or vertices.
…to contained faces
Select the faces that are contained (surrounded by) the currently selected edges or vertices.
…to shell
Extend the current selection to the complete shell of connected faces.
…to shell border
Extend the current selection to the shell border of connected faces.
Extend Selection
Submenu to extend the current selection. These are convenience functions to select rings, loops, and patched of similar components.
The following items are available:
…to edge ring
Select a single edge and activate this item to select a continuous ring of edges spanning around the object.
…to edge loop
Select a single edge and activate this option to select a loop of parallel edges around the object.
…to face longitude
Select a single face and activate this option to select a continuous ring of faces around the object.
…to face latitude
Select a single face and activate this option to select a continuous path up-and-down the object.