The Animation Menu
The Animation Menu holds items required for animating objects and characters.
In the Animation UI layout, it is located on the right controller, on the left side of the touchpad (HTC Vive) or thumb-stick (Oculus Rift),
and is indicated by the following icon:
The Animation Menu contains the following items:
When you select this item, MARUI will play your current animation based on the Animation settings (frame range, playback speed, etc) that you selected in the Maya animation settings.
Jump to next and previous keyframe
When you select one of these items, MARUI will set the current time to where the currently selected object has it’s next or previous keyframe.
Set and delete keyframes
When you select one of these this items, MARUI will create a new keyframe for the currently selected object at the current time (frame), or delete the key at the current time for the currently selected object.
This item toggles Maya’s “Auto Keyframe” mode, where a new keyframe is created everytime you move an object or joint.
Please note that there must be at least one keyframe on the object for Maya to create additional keyframes.
Objects without any keyframes will not receive new keyframes even when “Auto Keyframe” is enabled.
This item toggles ghosting for the currently selected object.
You can customize the ghosting display by selected the Settings icon in the top-right corner of the Ghosting item.
Euler Filter
This executes the Maya Euler Filter on the selected object.
The Euler Filter avoids problems with rotation values jumping between 360 degrees and 0 degrees.
Animation Editor
This item opens the “Animation Editor“. The Animation Editor is a floating window that allows you to edit animation keyframes and breakdown-frames
Motion Path Tool
This tool allows you to sketch motions in time, which you can then use as a reference when animating,
or even to move or rotate animated objects.
Please see the following video on how to use the tool: