Scripting Command MARUI_UI
Query and set MARUI user interface settings.
-dominantHand (-dh) <string>
Sets the users’ dominant hand. Accepted values are “left”, “right”, and “toggle”.
-available (-a) <string>
Queries if a certain user interface (device) is available.
Possible user interfaces are “leapmotion”, “vrfree”, “massless”, “tobii”, “3drudder”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, and “cosmos”.
-clickdragthreshold (-cdt) <float>
Sets / queries the threshold distance (VR controller motion) which distinguishes a “click” from a “drag”, in millimeters.
–dragThresholdRotation (-dtr) <float>
Sets / queries the threshold angle (VR controller motion) which distinguishes a “click” from a “drag” interaction, in degrees.
-dragThresholdTime (-dtt) <float>
Sets / queries the minimum time that an interaction must last to be a “dragging” interaction, in milliseconds. Interactions that last shorter than this threshold are always considered “click” interactions.
-doubleclickThresholdTime (-dct) <float>
Sets / queries the time threshold to distinguish “double-click” interactions from two single “click” interactions, in milliseconds.
-desktop (-dsk) <string>
Shows / hides the VR Desktop Mirror which shows the Windows Desktop in VR in a floating window. Possible values are “on” / “1” / “true” and “off” / “0” / “false”.
-keyboard (-kbd) <string>
Shows / hides the floating virtual keyboard in VR. Possible values are “on” / “1” / “true” and “off” / “0” / “false”.
–numpad (-npd) <string>
Shows / hides the floating virtual num-pad in VR. Possible values are “on” / “1” / “true” and “off” / “0” / “false”.
-numpadAutoOpen (-nao) <int>
Sets / queries whether the floating virtual num-pad should automatically open when the user is editing a number input field in another floating window. Possible values are 1 = true and 0 = false.
-submenuAutoOpen (-sao) <int>
Sets / queries whether the sub-menus of radial marking menus on the controllers should automatically open when the user hovers over the sub-menu icon. Possible values are 1 = true and 0 = false.
-shelf (-slf) <string>
Shows / hides the floating Maya Shelf menu in VR. Possible values are “on” / “1” / “true” and “off” / “0” / “false”.
–animEditor (-aed) <string>
Shows / hides the floating Animation Editor in VR. Possible values are “on” / “1” / “true” and “off” / “0” / “false”.
-devicetranslation (-dt) <string : device>
-devicerotation (-dr) <string : device> <string : rotation order>
-devicequaternion (-dq) <string : device>
-devicematrix (-dm) <string : device>
Query the current position / rotation of a VR device in Maya coordinates. Possible devices are “leftController”, “rightController”, “thirdController”, “leftEye”, “rightEye”, “dominantEye”, and “headset”. For the device rotation, a rotation order must be specified (“xyz”, “yxz”, “zxy”, …). Alternatively, the quaternion is a representation of the device’s rotation that is not dependent on the rotation order.
-freezeDeviceTracking (-fdt) <string> <int>
Temporarily suspend VR tracking for a VR device, freezing it at it’s current place. Possible devices are “leftController”, “rightController” and “headset”. Possible values are 0 = false and 1 = true.
-layoutGetCurrent (-lgc) <string : user interface>
Query the name of the current user interface layout for the given user interface (input device). Possible user interfaces (input devices) are “oculus”, “vive”, “microsoft”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, “cosmos”, “leapmotion”, “vrfree”, “massless”, “tobii”, and “3drudder”.
-layoutSetCurrent (-lsc) <string : user interface> <string : layout name>
Set the current user interface layout for the given user interface (input device). If no layout with such a name exists, a new layout is created. Possible user interfaces (input devices) are “oculus”, “vive”, “microsoft”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, “cosmos”, “leapmotion”, “vrfree”, “massless”, “tobii”, and “3drudder”.
-layoutRenameCurrent (-lrc) <string : user interface> <string : layout name>
Rename he current user interface layout for the given user interface (input device). Possible user interfaces (input devices) are “oculus”, “vive”, “microsoft”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, “cosmos”, “leapmotion”, “vrfree”, “massless”, “tobii”, and “3drudder”.
-layoutDuplicateCurrent (-l2c) <string : user interface>
Duplicate the current user interface layout for the given user interface (input device). Possible user interfaces (input devices) are “oculus”, “vive”, “microsoft”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, “cosmos”, “leapmotion”, “vrfree”, “massless”, “tobii”, and “3drudder”.
–layoutDeleteCurrent (-ldc) <string : user interface>
Delete the current user interface layout for the given user interface (input device). Possible user interfaces (input devices) are “oculus”, “vive”, “microsoft”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, “cosmos”, “leapmotion”, “vrfree”, “massless”, “tobii”, and “3drudder”.
-layoutsList (-ll) <string : user interface>
List all user interface layouts for the given user interface (input device). Possible user interfaces (input devices) are “oculus”, “vive”, “microsoft”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, “cosmos”, “leapmotion”, “vrfree”, “massless”, “tobii”, and “3drudder”.
-layoutsResetToDefault (-lrd) <string : user interface>
Reset the interface layouts for the given user interface (input device) to their defaults. Possible user interfaces (input devices) are “oculus”, “vive”, “microsoft”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, “cosmos”, “leapmotion”, “vrfree”, “massless”, “tobii”, and “3drudder”.
-pressureThreshold (-pt) <string : controller type> <string : trigger or grip> <string : threshold> <float : value>
Query / set the pressure thresholds which trigger an interaction on the controller. Possible controller types are “rift”, “vive”, “windowsmr”, “knuckles”, “vrink”, and “cosmos”. Trigger or grip button can be selected with the strings “trigger” and “grip”. The threshold can be either “touch” or “press”. The value ranges from 0 (no touch) to 1 (fully depressed).
-setmapping (-map) <string: ui> <string: side> <string: button> <string: widget> [-altKey]
Map a User Interface Widget to a button on the controller. The first parameter selecte the UI or controller and can be “oculus”, “vive”, “microsoft”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, “cosmos”, “leapmotion”, or “massless”. The second parameter selects the side (“left” or “right”). The third parameter selects the button on the controller (eg. “trigger”, “grip”, …). The last parameter selects the widget (eg. “Menu_Tool”, “Snapping”, …). Optionally, the -altKey parameter can be added to select the widget for when the Alt button is pressed.
-getMappedWidget (-gmw) <string: ui> <string: side> <string: button> [-altKey]
Get the User Interface Widget which is currently mapped to a button on the controller. The first parameter selecte the UI or controller and can be “oculus”, “vive”, “microsoft”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, “cosmos”, “leapmotion”, or “massless”. The second parameter selects the side (“left” or “right”). The third parameter selects the button on the controller (eg. “trigger”, “grip”, …). Optionally, the -altKey parameter can be added to select the widget for when the Alt button is pressed.
-getEventsList (-gel) <string: ui>
Get the list of buttons (ie: interaction events) for a controller. The first parameter selecte the UI or controller and can be “oculus”, “vive”, “microsoft”, “knuckles”, “logitech”, “cosmos”, “leapmotion”, or “massless”.
-tool (-t) <string>
Set / get the current current tool (eg. “move”, “rotate”, “omni”, “PencilCurve”, “PolyDraw”, …)
-mode (-m) <string>
Set / get current component mode (“object”, “vertex”, “edge”, “face”, “multi”).
-refreshFromMaya (-rfm)
Refresh the current tool and mode from Maya. This can avoid problems when the tool or mode were changed in the Maya 2D / desktop user interface.
-toolManipulatorSize (-tms)
Set / get the size of the manipulator, where 1.0 is the default size.
-triggerPressureDynamics (-tpd) <int>
Enable/disable trigger-pressure based dynamics where the operation (eg motion or rotation) is reduced if the trigger is only slightly pressed instead of fully depressed. Possible values are 1 = true and 0 = false.
-altkeyOperationAttenuation (-aoa) <double>
Factor of how much pressing the “alt” key dampens basic tool effect magnitude. The factor may range from 0 to 1.
–autosaveEnable (-ase) <bool>
Enable / disable periodic auto-save.
-autosaveInterval (-asi) <int>
Set the interval at which periodic auto-saves are performed (in minutes).
-throttleExecuteOperations (-teo)
Set / get the current user interaction throttle. Available values are 0 = no throttling, 1 = limit interaction, and 2 = attenuate interaction.
-selectionMode (-sm) <string>
Set / get the current selection mode. Possible values are “raycast”, “proximity”, “laserpointer”, and “toggle”.
-selectionModeClickSwitched (-sms) <int>
Set / get whether the selection mode is switched (inverted) for clicking. If this is true, than a drag-selection may be ray-cast while a click-selection is proximity based, or vice versa.
-selectionTolerance (-st) <int>
Set / get the selection tolerance – either in mm or in Maya selection box size, depending on the selection mode.
-selectionToleranceAngle (-sta) <float>
Set / get the selection tolerance angle in degrees.
-selectionCamerabased (-st) <int>
Set / get camera based selection, i.e. whether the user can select back-sides or occluded objects.
-selectionVolumeAlignment (-sva) <string>
Set / get how the selection volume is aligned. Possible values are “head” (users’ head rotation), “maya” (maya coordinate system), “real” (real-world) and “toggle”.
-cursorOffset (-co)
Set the cursor offset. Possible values are “on”, “off”, “reset”, and “update” (setting the placement of the cursor offset.