Navigation Savepoints
Navigation Savepoints allow saving and loading the current navigation, that is the position and size at which the Maya scene is displayed.
This can be used to save a specific point of view or size and place at which the Maya scene is positioned in the real world.
In order to use Navigation Savepoints, open the Navigation Savepoints window from the MARUI Menu.
Please see this video for a demonstration of how to use the feature.
You can rename, overwrite and delete Navigation Savepoints with the buttons next to the name in the Navigation Savepoints window.
You can save your list of Navigation Savepoints to the current Maya scene, or load Navigation Savepoints from the current Maya scene with the buttons at the bottom of the window.
The Safepoints will be stored in the Maya scene as locators.
Each locator is at the point where the world origin (the position on the floor in the center of the room as it was set up through SteamVR or Oculus room set-up) would be, if this navigation would be used.
You can edit these locators in Maya and load them again in MARUI.